Press On Sizing

Make sure you get the right fit!

Size Charts

May be an image of text
May be an image of ‎text that says '‎LED gel strips mani sizing chart Kleo Kolor products come with variety of sizes to choose LED Gel Strips come with 10 different sizes. Measure your nail carefully 2.5mm get the right fit. 5mm ဟတ 11.5mm 8.8mm 8.Bmm 雪 L 11.5mm 11.5mm 11.5mm 16mm I 2 1.5mm O 7 11mm 16mm C 11mm 10. 10.5mm 14mm 3 3 14mm 3 5mm 10.5mm 상토 10.5mm 13mm 10.5mm 8 13mm 4 0m 10mm 12.5mm س am 10mm 영 9mm 12.5mm 5 11mm 7 0 ਤਰੂਰੇ 11mm ^ 10 10mm 10mm‎'‎
May be a graphic of text that says 'pedi sizing chart Kleo Kolor products come with a variety of sizes to choose from. Measure your toenail carefully to get the right fit. 16.5mm 15. 15.1mm 14.2mm 10 4mm 9.6mm 9mm 8.4mm 8mm .6mm o mm .5mm 1 16.2mm 2 Mi 3 8mm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11'
May be an image of text that says 'LED gel strips pedi sizing chart Kleo Kolor products come with variety of sizes to choose LED Gel Strips come with 15 different sizes. Measure your nail carefully 11 8.5mm get the right rightfit. fit. 11 B.5mm 12 8mm 12 8mm 13 7.5mm 13 7.5mm 14 7mm 15 6.5mm 6 13mm 15 6.5mm, 7 11 1.5mm 8 11mm 9 10mm 9 10mm 10 9.3mm 6 13mm 10 9.3mm 7 11.5mm 8 11mm 9 10mm 10mm 10 9.3mm 10 9.3mm 1 20mm 2 19mm 17.5mm 16mm 5 15mm 1 20mm 19mm 3 17.5mm 16mm 5 15mm'