Where did it begin?

I’d love to share a little from my heart with you. Even if you were a teensy bit interested in what life is like in Color Street biz, keep reading.

It is seriously the BEST. JOB. EVER.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was feeling frustrated because nail polish never stayed on my nails. I’d take my entire lunch break to run to the salon, and then be frustrated when my mani or pedi would smudge as soon as I got out to the car. Then, I discovered Color Street through a friend who shared a sample before her party.  I applied a full set the next week.  The 100% real nail polish strips were easy to apply – requiring no special tools or heat.  They looked great for a during the entire week and removed easily with nail polish remover.  I was hooked!

When I first started this business, it was because I was already telling everyone about this amazing polish and wanted to always have fun manicures available.  I also thought I could save some extra money for my family . At first, I was worried that I wouldn’t know how to work this business in with my full time stay at home mom and that I’d bomb it! But through the support of my amazing team leaders supporting and teaching me what to do, my fear turned out to not be the problem I worried it would be! I love the fun designs and shades available to match my moods and seasonal outfits. But my favorite thing about my Color Street business is the friendships I’ve gained and the extra self-confidence I have from setting and achieving goals.

This business has been a game-changer for my family and I love talking to others that might be in a similar spot. I’d love to answer any questions that have crossed your mind even if you have a tiny bit of curiosity! Schedule a quick call with me and I’ll happily send you a thank you gift. No strings attached! What do you think?

PS: I know phone calls can be challenging while juggling all the things. Feel free to simply reply with any questions or shoot me a text at (765) 601-9036, too! 🙂

Please note: With Color Street you have the opportunity to earn income through the sale of Color Street products however, your earning capacity depends on a number of factors including but not limited to your personal commitment hard work sacrifice market conditions and your business skills. Please see the current income disclosure: http://colorstreet.com/incomedisclosure


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